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Beyond Resolutions: Live Out Your Purpose in 2022 (+ Free Workbook & Guided Meditations)

Updated: Jan 4, 2022

Is it just us, or does the thought of creating New Years resolutions this year feel totally unappealing?

Maybe the thought of entering the third year of a global pandemic has us feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and wholly unhopeful that anything good can come from the year ahead. Maybe we’re done making grand plans just to see them changed or canceled. Maybe the thought of building a more hopeful, healthy world feels impossible after watching hate escalate over social and political issues.

Or maybe, resolutions don’t fully connect us with what makes us feel alive and in our purpose.

Spencer Selover, Pexels

Anchor in your values to discover your unique impact in the world

While it may be tradition to spend the first part of the new year making a long check list of ways we’re going to make our lives and the world “better,” these resolutions unfortunately tend to be based on guilt or the belief that there is something wrong with us that we need to fix. Maybe that’s why resolutions so often lapse after a few months, or make us feel worse about ourselves when we’re unable to live up to our own high ideals.

So, this year we are throwing resolutions out the window and stepping into a sense of purpose rooted in personal core values. Instead of trying to create a new identity for ourselves, we are listening to what our current choices and circumstances (even the hard ones) have to say about what matters most to us. Instead of trying to measure up to some ideal we have in our minds, we are asking: “How am I uniquely qualified to positively impact those around me?”

You don't need to do everything. Do what calls your heart; effective action comes from love. It is unstoppable, and it is enough. - Joanna Macy

We believe that each of us have a set of skills and experiences needed to make a specific type of impact in the world—and that discovering our personal values and gifts is the best way to make that change happen. Getting anchored in to your values helps create a roadmap for you to get clear on what really matters to you to so you can take tangible steps towards making the world a better place. And we need each and every person using their unique guiding values to make the type of collective change we need.

Want to join us? Here are the steps we’re taking:

Poline Kovaleva, Pexels

Step One: Identify your core values for 2022

Getting anchored into your values helps create a roadmap for you to get clear on what really matters to you so you can take tangible steps towards making the world a better place. And we need each and every person using their unique guiding values to make the type of collective change we need.

To identify your values for the coming year, reflect on your peak and valley experiences from the past year. When did you feel most fulfilled? Most passionate? Most at ease? Or, conversely, when did you feel most hopeless or hurt? Notice any patterns in these experiences and take note of the values that emerge. Pick two or three to focus on in the coming months.

Listen: New Years Guided Meditations (x2)

What messages do your past and future selves have to give you about your deepest values? Check out our free 2-episode New Year’s meditation to join us on the journey of honoring the year behind and connecting with yourself to map your way forward.

You may do both meditations or just one if that calls to you.

Part 1 - The Year Behind

Part 2 - The Year Ahead

Step Two: Put your values into action

Perhaps you create a list of values you will follow each week for a month. Use those values to guide what real-world step you take from here. Reevaluate where you are at the end of each month to continue to map out your road ahead. Trust that when you keep returning to yourself, you will find the next step forward.

Your personal values are the key to discovering your purpose and the way you are uniquely qualified to impact those around you

Alina Vilchenko, Pexels

FREE WORKBOOK: Identify and apply your values in 2022

Want to dive a little deeper into exploring your values and strengths? Download our free New Years journaling prompts to help clarify your values and discover ways to put them to use to create a better world.

Want more?

For more resources and events about cultivating peace with yourself and with others:

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